Buy Your Home Online

With our carefully selected collection of digital home shopping tools, the process of purchasing your ideal home has become more convenient than ever before.

Your Online Home Buying Journey

We have provided a detailed guide on how to purchase a new home online with Amber Developments, which will help you understand what to anticipate at every stage.


Search & Explore Virtually

Imagine being able to explore your future home without leaving the comfort of your current one. At our company, we understand that finding the perfect home can be a daunting task, which is why we offer 3D tours for most of our floor plans. With this technology, you can easily navigate every inch of your potential new home and get a feel for the layout and features before you even step foot in the door.


Request Suite or Buy Directly

Interested in one of our pre-construction projects? You can easily submit your interest in the home of your dreams online by selecting a floorplan. You may also have your agent to submit the request for you. Our team is committed to providing you with the best home shopping experience possible, no matter your preferred method.


Design & Visualize Home

Gone are the days of having to rely solely on blueprints or two-dimensional renderings. Our digital design center provides real-time visualization, so you can make informed decisions about your new home design and ensure that it meets your needs and preferences. Our team of experts is always available to answer any questions you may have about finish selection and to provide guidance every step of the way.